Mustang Ranch

General Category => Mustang Ranch Resort Experience Review => Topic started by: SpottedOwls on Feb 22, 2015, 12:00 AM

Title: Our Excellent Adventure (Part 1)
Post by: SpottedOwls on Feb 22, 2015, 12:00 AM
I tend to write/ramble a lot so I broke our trip down into 4 posts for easier consumption!  Here goes:


My husband and I have been together for 9 years.  I've been interested in a threesome for awhile (and he was of course supportive) but we never took it very seriously until within the past year.  After lengthy discussion and heavy consideration, we ultimately decided that visiting a brothel was our best option for some reasons that have been stated elsewhere on this forum.  For us, the choice amounted to safety, both physical and emotional.

Both of us are "clean" and have never had to deal with an STD.  It was EXTREMELY reassuring to me that the ladies get weekly check-ups by a doctor.  I can't imagine what sort of extra surprise we might've found from picking up a random stranger at some bar!

A brothel is also an emotional safety-net.  The ladies are there for a reason, and we are there for a reason.  It might be easy to develop friendly feelings toward them, but there's no worry about someone growing an attachment to the extent that it might threaten our relationship.

I'm not sure why we decided on the Mustang Ranch.  It might've been a simple matter of the website seeming more professional.  Whatever, I'm glad we decided on it!  So we posted our interest on the forum and received a couple replies, the first being a PM from Maya.