Hot August Nights!!!!!!!

Started by Phoenix, Aug 20, 2013, 03:33 AM

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 :o wow it's taken me this long to catch you all up on hot August nights weekend...whew it reminded me of back in the day when I first start back in 07... Taxi drivers were throwing money like crazy on stage strip club owners were showering me with stage tips and proposing marriage to me and even staying with me way after the were sapost to go close their club and I held a squirting party in my room clients were dancing with the ladies thruot the bar drinks of all sorts were being served bottels of wine and campaigne were popping everywhere there were full bungalows lots of exotic tours and that was just one dust till dawn party to be continued.......gotta catch my breath :D ;D


Well you can't fault us guys for having good taste!!!!! ;) ;) :-* ;D :)
