Visit with Betty Page

Started by cronuswalker, Aug 23, 2019, 12:55 AM

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For those that have met her Betty Page is an experience that has to be done in person, trying to describe it just doesn't give it justice. I would like to keep her all to myself, but promised that I would do a review. I went over last Friday Aug. 16 for dinner, then a romp with one of my ATF's Betty. After one of the shortest negotiations ever, (i said this is how much, she said ok, and that was it, but then we know each other so well that each is open to almost anything with the other). We then booked it, went to the oriental room, and didn't come up for air till they called time. I'm glad she is back, and at the Mustang now so that I have an excuse to visit there more often. Now I just have to figure out how many banks a month I can get away with visiting to help pay for my Betty Addiction......

Betty is a true jewel and I can say that you will not be disappointed when you get to party with her. I know I never have been...

8) 8) 8)


I too am following Betty from her previous house. She is worth any drive in any direction. And a great reason to visit the amazing Mustang Ranch.

Michael j.

If some of you haven't seen it before, the film "The Notorious Betty Page" starring Gretchen Moll is well worth seeing.
Michael J.


I gotta stop in and see Betty again... it's been a couple of years.   ;)


Betty is back at Mustang as of September 16 and will be there at least through October 4. Don't miss the opportunity to see this gorgeous, funny, sexy lady!


I met Betty earlier this week and partied with her twice. I just can't wait for next time. She is so cute and sexy and smart and funny and skillful that she just blew me away. 
The most important words in life are "Yes!"and"Wow!" and "Thank You."

Betty Page

Oh my gosh I'm blushing! You guys are so very sweet and thank you so very much! I want another party with you I'll pronto! LOL! I love being passionate with people and kissing and touching and taking my time with clothes wonderful friends! Please let me know if there's anything else that you guys would like to see from me, or like me to do?
;D :-* ;)