First Time At A Nevada Brothel (Lucy)

Started by whackymole, May 22, 2021, 10:14 PM

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I was thinking back to my first brothel visit, in the summer, a few years back. With the brothels having been closed for some time, I had a nostalgic idea to write about my first brothel trip. And I figure if I'm going to actually write about my first trip, I'm going to have to add details about how it was for me on the first trip, since the first trip is quite a memory.

I was staying in Reno on a short vacation, and while I was aware of the brothels, I was too nervous to go to one just yet. I vowed that it was something that I would try out if I was in the area, but it was taking me quite some time to work up the nerve to actually go. So I spent much of the day in the hotel room watching TV, looking at this brothel website and others, working up the nerve to make the trip. Advice was to be clean, so I used up the shampoo/bodywash showering, before calling the cab company, by which point it was beginning to get dark in the desert.

I get into the taxi van and say "Mustang Ranch please" the cabbie says "do you know far that is?"  I'm a bit suprised that she seems to be talking herself out of a fare, so I say "well you go there right? Do you want the fare?" She says that since it's out of town to not be suprised by the fare, and when I say it's all right, and she sees that I'm serious, she becomes more gracious. Turns out that she needed to make sure I'm serious. A lot of tourists according to her, don't like cab fare for attractions outside of Reno city proper.

After a short drive on the highway through the dark desert, she turns off of the main road and after a little drive through darkness, I can see bright neon lights cutting through the darkness as the taxi van comes towards old style gates. The taxi driver talks to a guy at the gates, he looks at me and asks for photo ID to prove I'm at least 18. I'm young looking and in my 20's, (later at the hotel I was asked the same question to swim in the pool unaccompanied) so I oblige with the ID and the gates open up.

We park in front of a large building with the neon lights called Wildhorse, and the cabbie mentions something about this not being the main building, she's talking to one of the staff at the door who confirms that there are ongoing renovations, and that there is still a place for cab drivers to stay. On later trips I find out that this doesn't apply to overnight trips.

While it's not my first time getting lucky, it is still my first visit to a brothel and I don't know what to expect which isn't going well with social anxiety. I'm excited, but also nervous, but I'm already here, so I will myself into the building.

 I step into the building, and the interior is old west themed, wooden, high roofed, and spacious, with stripper poles and stages, but no one on them. The building is dim yet brightly lit, has a sort of strip club vibe, and that sweet bar smell. It's a Sunday evening and it doesn't appear to be too busy, the girls appear to be off in the distance, or doing other things.

Perhaps sensing my nervousness one of the girls calls out to me, and I see her at a table close to me gently inviting me to sit down.  Her name is Juicy Lucy, and she's wearing a mostly open night gown and fishnet body lingerie showing off her body. She's seated, and has a strong smelling bright blue drink with a black plastic straw in front of her. "Come, sit down, sit down." Her voice is calming, friendly, and flirtatious, and I sit down with her.

She initiates and leads the conversation, which is easier for me. She asks about me and leads me into asking the same about her. Her voice and demeanor is understanding and calming, but also flirty. While we talk she does little things like have her nightgown opening up, taking a wider stance with her legs, and slurping down her blue drink in a seductive manner. She comes across as sexually powerful, but gentle. Like the slightly older, more sexually experienced, but understanding, bad girl next door. I was impressed with how she came onto me and took the lead. So when the inevitable question of how to initiate a date was brought up, she told me how it works and added "if you chose to go with me" to which I replied yes. She smiled, finished her drink, and took me by the hand to the backrooms.

Into a small room with a couch, we go. I've already told Lucy this is my first brothel trip, so she's "in control" and in the "coaching role" as she guides me through it and asks the specifics. I feel awkward and nervous just saying things like sexual intercourse, but Lucy has a calm and reassuring smile that stays on while I go through requests. Intercourse, Kissing, DATY, DATO (on her), and a fetish request (I have a fetish for girls peeing). I felt awkward being frank enough to talk about sex and make requests, but Lucy was reassuring and smiled throughout, unfazed. She agreed to all, only adding to the fetish request that she didn't have to go right now, but she could work to induce it, and we didn't have to start until she was ready. On to the dick check, which was awkward, but I was already feeling more comfortable in her presence.

After I pay, we go to the cashier to confirm. Not forgetting my fetish request, Lucy says something to the staff, and she is given several glasses of the blue drink, which she starts drinking quickly while giving me coy, provacative, and knowing looks. Not in any rush, Lucy goes on to take me on a tour of the ranch while drinking the blue drinks, letting nature take it's course, and giving a brothel newbie a tour. The room where the lineups and gift store is catches me off guard with it's size. The room is high ceiling and continues the wood and western theme. There are a lot of taxidermied animals, and the gift store has a lot of varied things. Even with one part closed, the brothel complex is quite big, and it's fun to be led around by a high spirited and energetic girl taking the lead, and wearing little more than a thin robe and revealing lingerie. She'd play little games to loosen me up, like pretending to make little slip ups. Like after talking to other girls, she turned to me after walking just on the border of their earshot and she started talking about the tubs and showers in the suites. She then says in a playful and seductive tone "especially when I piss all over you." Catching me off guard, she pretends to catch herself, she looks back at the others on the edge of earshot, then looks at me, and she says in an acted out and playful way "oh, I shouldn't have said that, I'm naughty" while giggling. I was shy discussing the party with her, including my fetish, so her bringing it up with playful teasing was her way of acknowledging it, and showing that she's totally fine with it, and that I shouldn't be embarrassed. I remind myself that the ladies have probably heard it all before, and have accomodated many fetishes and requests.

She takes me outside, it's cool and tranquil in the late evening Nevada air, and she shows me the pool, and the building complex next to it with the suites. Asian, Spanish, and Cowgirl. She has me explore each of them, but she recommends the Asian suite due to the mirrors and a soft indented piece of furniture she says she likes. I decide to take her recommendation and go with the Asian suite. She's happy that I chose her recommendation, and asks if I want any music playing, I just say soothing nature noises would be fine. She leaves me a bottle of mouthwash, and tells me that the party will start when she is all ready, and comes back. In the meantime, I should get down to my shorts and relax in the suite. The room is immaculate, fresh smelling, tastefully decorated, with mirrors, a large bed, and a large tub. The room almost seems to glow in the evening.

With anticipation it's a little hard to totally relax, but it is a very pretty suite in the serene late evening. When she does come in, and the party starts, she's wearing only a thin bodyrobe. She asks me to turn around, then turn around again, and when I do, she's totally naked in front of me. It's always a pleasant shock to have a naked woman in front, and what a body. Short, tight, generously proportioned, and very womanly.

She's smiling widely and seems excited that she's gotten a stunned and somewhat suprised reaction from me. I mean, I knew it was going to happen, but it always feels like a suprise and thrill when a girl appears naked in front of me.

The naked beauty takes the initiative and gently pushes me down on the indented chair thing, and she tells me to relax. While I'm lying down, she proceeds to slide her nude body on top of me, reaching my face, starting with her soft and real ample breasts. comes the pussy. I always forget how the vulva is much smaller in person, than in popular imagination. On the face, it's warm, smooth, soft, rubbery, and slightly wet, with a pleasant earthy but feminine smell. After a while of this calming and relaxing way of getting me acquainted with her body, and putting me at ease, she has me strip and lie in the tub, looking up at her as she gets in totally nude and stands with her lady legs on either side of me. I'm looking at the nude female figure, in a female power position, yet also a gentle and accommodating position. I look up her smooth thighs, up to her ladyship above me, up her stomach and ample breasts above, to her face, where she has a very reassuring and gentle smile. I look back to her ladyship, then she relaxes her muscles and gives me a warm organic shower of Juicy Lucy juice, making sure not to get it in my eyes. She was giggling, and I was giggling too at how surreal it was. A little more than an hour ago, I walked into the brothel not knowing what to expect, and was picked up by a provocative, charming, and flirtatious woman at a table, hitting on me while slurping blue drinks, and reeling me in with her female charms. A little over an hour later, I'm looking up at her nude with her ladyship above my face, while she's "baptising" me into the brothel experience with her ladyship (appropriately enough,) and the same drinks she was seductively slurping through her pouty lips when she was seducing me with her lady charms and powers, are now coming out from between her other lips, out of her ladyship (her drinks are no longer blue) for my "brothel baptism." An initiation where she used only her body, and her ladyship, as a culmination of the last hour plus of her being "in control" as my lady brothel guide. It could be a position of female power and dominion, but it felt gentle, warm, intimate, comforting, and soothing, like my anxieties were being literally washed away by the female body, as she kept a gentle smile. After cleaning up, I asked her if she drank anything else, she said no just those blue drinks. I asked if I could try what was left of a mostly empty glass, and I noticed that the strong taste was the same as her Juicy Lucy juice. I told her this, and that "they went right through you" causing her to really laugh. She responded with "careful I'll get you drunk with my vagina" something I never thought I'd hear, which caused me to really laugh as well.

I'm relaxed now, and she lays on the bed nude and spread, and invites me to explore her body. I relish the feeling of the warmth, smoothness, and softness, on the sides and front of my face emanating from her thighs and ladyship as I explore with my face and tongue. With the warmth, mild wetness, pleasant smell, and intimacy, it overwhelms the senses physically and mentally. It feels like her body is embracing and kissing me. After awhile, I ask her to turn over, and I explore her ample but tight rear, and muscular hole there in the same way. Feeling the warmth and texture there in the same way. Throughout this, she keeps up her gentle, playful, and knowing smile.

Moving on to the actual sex part, I wasn't sure whether the ladies provided condoms or if I had to bring my own. Just in case, I brought some with me. Girls just always tend to have them around somewhere, but I brought some just in case, even though I have little experience in buying them myself, so I got the ones with the most attractive packaging. Lucy had a good natured laugh at the ones I brought, pointing out, and demonstrating, that they were way too small for my dick, and that I needed the Magnums that she keeps around. Good thing condoms actually are provided for in brothels. She also brought lube, which I had forgotten to consider. We started doing it on the indented chair thing, doing it in different positions, before finding the position that felt best, girl on top, with long thrusts up and down the shaft. It felt nice in a girl, with a little jumping girl bouncing on the mid section. And she was right, it is interesting to see with the mirrors. We moved onto the bed, doing it there, but I was having a bit of trouble getting to come before the time ran out. Lucy said not to worry, and eventually I was able to come.

After, Lucy said that since we already had the suite to ourselves she asked me if I would like to book for another session. Knowing by now my kinks, and how to push my buttons, she offered to this time drink a lot of bottled water, if the blue drinks were a bit strong, even when coming out of her. And while she prepared, and nature took it's course, it would give me time to freshen up and recharge after spending myself in her. The party wouldn't start until we were ready again. I agreed with her offer, and paid. She went off to book it, coming back with little water bottles that she was gulping water down from. She took me on another tour of the ranch, showing me her personal quarters and asking if I wanted anything for the next party. I thought it was cute how she had a stuffed mustang toy and she offered to bring it, saying "he can watch us." She offered any other "toys" but I just asked for marashino cherries, which I noticed in the blue drinks. She didn't know what I meant and I had to explain that that's what they are called. I thought they would be great to kiss with.

I go back to the suite and wait for her to be ready again. When she comes back she's wearing nothing but the robe, and she has the stuffed horse and a bunch of cherries that the kitchen gave to her.

She disrobes, and I am once again in the prescence of naked female beauty. Naked, she gets onto the front of the tub and sits with her legs spread and straddling the sides of the tub. While astride this piece of plumbing, she invites me to examine her female plumbing. When she spreads her lips, I take it all in. The darker lips with the light pink center. The big hole (vagina) the little hole above it (female urethra) and little pink nub near the top (clitoris). I'm not ignorant of female anatomy, it's just that this is such a much more detailed, leisurely, and intimate view than you get from a quick hook up, and I appreciate it. Knowing my fetish, she turns her waterworks on with her female plumbing and I'm treated to views of her little hole widening to accomodate the flows of Juicy Lucy juice out of her body. It's more clear, watery, and less strong, this time, and she starts, stops, and starts again, to not overwhelm me. Trying not to get it in my eyes. She's smiling, and genuinely giggling and laughing, which makes it more difficult for her to control.  When she's done, I notice some goo forming. And her response is "it just goes to show that I enjoy my work" and "that's why I'm called Juicy Lucy."

After cleaning up again, we moved onto the bed and Lucy gave me her condoms, she gave me some to take with me too. It was fornication in the same way that worked last time. It was interesting to see myself and her doing it. Up and down until I came in her again.

With some time left, I thought of practising kissing with Lucy and the cherries. Lucy showed me some new kissing techniques. Lips on learning. Including how to pass cherries with our mouths.

When our time was up. She asked if I wanted to go again, and asked about bringing another girl too. I was tempted but I was also tired and my skin was beginning to chafe from the washing and friction. So I passed. She accompanied me to the gift store. Where I bought her a shirt, and she got me a personally signed hat. We hugged, she is a really great hugger, and said our goodbyes.

I later find out that she is one of the veteran courtesans who has been around for years, and is considered one of the best girls for an introduction into the brothels. She's energetic, uninhibited, and coy. Someone who's been there and done it, and whose playfulness and coolness put a nervous first time brothel patron at ease. While it wasn't my first time with a woman overall, it was at the time my most thorough, intimate, and detailed time. I really appreciated her taking the initiative and using her body to give me my most detailed exploration of the female body at the time. Even inducing her body to accomodate a fetish request. She was more experienced than me, and took on the more powerful "coaching role" but she was very gentle and playful while taking the lead. It was like being picked up by the bad girl, who turns out to be gentle, encouraging, and accomodating on an exploration of her body, and what she, and me, can do with it. I genuinely enjoyed the ride.


Lucy was my favorite. Wonder where she is now.


Had 23 parties with Lucy.  Great lady.
I ain't askin no body for nothing if I can't get it on my own
So if you don't like the way I am livin then leave this long haired country boy alone !!


It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chewed your ass out all day long.


Quote from: batinthecity on Feb 10, 2022, 07:19 PM
Lucy was my favorite. Wonder where she is now.

Apparently she is back in the lineup again.


Quote from: whackymole on May 25, 2022, 09:46 AM

Apparently she is back in the lineup again.

Just noticed that.  Great to see Lucy is back.


Quote from: Bigfoot on May 25, 2022, 09:09 PM
Quote from: whackymole on May 25, 2022, 09:46 AM

Apparently she is back in the lineup again.

Just noticed that.  Great to see Lucy is back.

Is it the same Lucy ?
I ain't askin no body for nothing if I can't get it on my own
So if you don't like the way I am livin then leave this long haired country boy alone !!


It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chewed your ass out all day long.

Prospector Bob

Quote from: Cobia on May 25, 2022, 09:15 PM
Quote from: Bigfoot on May 25, 2022, 09:09 PM
Quote from: whackymole on May 25, 2022, 09:46 AM

Apparently she is back in the lineup again.

Just noticed that.  Great to see Lucy is back.

Is it the same Lucy ?

Looking at the pics in the Ladies Line Up page, it is the same Lucy.

The trick is growing up without growing old. -- Casey Stengal


There are a few more I wish would come back.
I ain't askin no body for nothing if I can't get it on my own
So if you don't like the way I am livin then leave this long haired country boy alone !!


It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chewed your ass out all day long.
