Never been before...

Started by tobyg3, Jun 29, 2013, 05:03 AM

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...until this past Sunday night. My last night in Reno, and I was debating between the Mustang and the Bunny. Because it was late night, and I didn't want to drive for a half-hour, Mustang Ranch won out (this was a good thing, but I didn't realize it until much later). Got lost after taking the exit (twice!), got back on track, and headed for the Christmas lights. Found the entrance gate, and the almost-empty parking lot (where the hell is everybody??). I was about to park by the Ranch hotel, changed my mind and parked by the Lounge instead.

I took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked in. Now, I've been to massage parlors and such, back in Texas, and thought I would be comfortable. However, when I entered, and saw several ladies lounging around (looking very cat-like and sexy), one or two other guys, and the bartender, I began to wonder. Was I at the right place, I asked myself? I walked to the bar, figuring I could hide my extreme nervousness by holding a drink. A cute blonde in a black cocktail dress was sitting at the bar, and we chatted a bit, with me asking stupid questions ("Is this normal for sunday night?"), and blondie grinning and wondering the same. I was busy trying to stop my trembling, while the cutie smiled at me, then I notice the bartender waiting for my order, being very polite. Deep breath, I thought to myself, and tried to keep my voice from squeaking while I asked about single-blends. I settled on Glenlivet, ordered, then went back to my nervous chat with the blonde. I suddenly realized that this lady was a super-hot looker, as relaxed as I was trying to be, and just stroking my arm while I coughed and sputtered.

So hottie-in-a-black-dress asks if I'm a returning visitor. That's when I spill the beans. I confess I've never been to the Mustang, and, in fact, have never been to a Nevada brothel, or any brothel, for that matter. She asked what brought me here, and surprisingly enough, I didn't act like a dweeb and say "Enterprise rent-a-car". I confessed that I was making plans for my birthday in October, looking at different options, and a brothel was one.

Well, her hazel eyes brightened a few more lumens, almost blinding me, and she asks if I wanted a tour. My legs were still shaky, so I reply that I wanted to sit for a bit, and finish my drink, and wait for the shaking to stop, before trying something challenging, like walking a straight line. Great, she replies, and pointed to two chairs against the wall. We'll sit, you can drink, and I ask her to join me so I could ask her questions, all while she's holding my hand and leading me to the sacrificial prep (yeah, I know, it's like she was reading my mind).

We take our seats, I try to take a sip and impress her with how cool I look spilling half the glass. Have to admit, her giggles were having an effect on me, as were the much-more-frequent thigh strokes she has obviously mastered. I finally start to relax, and she takes me on a tour. By this time, I find out her name is Amaris. So we chat, as she shows me around, and somehow keeps bumping up to me, like the corridors are too narrow. Silly me, I try to give her more room, she giggles, eventually wraps her arm around my waist, and I realize I'm trapped, but it feels nice.

So we finally wind up in the negotiation room (surprise!!). She asks what kind of services I was expecting, and what my price range was. I explain to her that it had been close to 30 years since I last hired a professional. When I tell her how much it cost me then, she had a good laugh, and finally stopped after a few minutes. After catching her breath, she explained the new culture and its benefits and costs.

Needless to say, we came to an acceptable arrangement. I'd like to say that it was a great experience, but that would diminish the true value of the engagement we had. It certainly exceeded expectations, and I can only hope that she came away just as pleased as I was. Aaand, my legs were shaky all over again as I walked back to the car a few hours later.

I feel that I was very lucky in meeting Amaris, even though I'm sure the other ladies would have been up to the occasion, too. But for a brothel first-timer, popping my cherry could not have been more fun. Amaris can add that cherry to her notches on the bedpost.

I hope to make it back in October, and I hope Amaris is there. If she can't make it, I hope she recommends a suitable stand-in.

Guys (and gals), I only have one bit of advice - whatever these luscious ladies quote you for the experience, don't argue, just surrender your wallet/purse, and then indulge yourself, and tell them toby says hi.


vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvery well put tobyg3  :-* havent read the entire post yet but i did read your suggestion when it comes to negociating....thank you i think hearing this from a client reassures our soon to be clients to trust us completely and enjoy the safe ride  :D


cool, I like how you write.


You really lucked out Dude!  Amaris is the best in the house, and she just happened to be available when you walked in. I share your preference for her and for single-malt whisky (though I prefer island malts, like Talisker and Laphroaig).
I plan to spend my birthday at the Mustang next month, as I have for the past several years.  Amaris and the other ladies have wonderful ways of convincing you that, while you have to grow older, you do not have to grow up.  ;D  I highly recommend that you spend your birthday there as well.

The most important words in life are "Yes!"and"Wow!" and "Thank You."


Caveman, thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, it's a bit of a curse 'cause I talk the same way, and people have a habit of rolling their eyes any time they see me about to open my mouth. Amaris, thankfully, was patient, attentive and assertive when I needed it. I should also add that she knew just what to stuff into it and shut me up!

Gus, I've been reading your posts, and kinda see you as a reliable source for Mustang Ranch information. Thanks for the comments, and maybe next time, I'll have more self-control when ordering the whisky. I've had Glenlivet before, and it makes a good all-around choice when I'm in unfamiliar environs. It also happened to be the one I saw prominently on the shelf. Your suggestions will be in mind on my next barroom visit.

Phoenix, it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - I appreciate how you contribute to the forum, and I like your moves.

Funny thing about Amaris, she never gave any indication of how good a choice she would be, and instead went out of her way to talk up the other ladies, as well as the comforts and amenities. That goes a long way in reassuring clients, new or veterans, of the level of attention they can expect. Her attitude during our party was definitely focused on my needs and wants, and her energy and enthusiasm only made it better. She's a well-grounded courtesan, worthy of that title.

Well, I did it again.


Toby my dear you have a wonderful way with words...tongue....mouth...hands and legs! I did enjoy your company and the way you aim to please, hoping you had an amazing time as well! I am so glad we were able to explore with each other  ;)

Gus is very knowledgable! Not only in brothel etiquette but worldly affairs as well. He, as do you Toby, know how to spoil a lady delight fully!

Caveman, you, wildly creative sex fiend, are always a bundle bliss!

Toby, I'm sad our Pop Rock pictures didn't turn out (blurry)  :'( I was soooo looking forward to sharing our fun!

Next up....Halloween Costumes, Birthday Celebrations, and Limousine Memories! Can't wait!!!

Amaris xoxo :*


Very nice sentiments, Amaris. If I wasn't already so shy, I'd be blushing like a beet. I'm saving my pennies, and waiting for October.
8) ;)  ;D :-*


I had a good look a Amaris in that black dress on Tuesday afternoon, would have made the jump except that Victoria had me wore out.
The family jewels should be handled by professionals not drunken amateurs.


Quote from: shooter on Sep 14, 2013, 01:28 AM
I had a good look a Amaris in that black dress on Tuesday afternoon, would have made the jump except that Victoria had me wore out.

You should have grabbed a couple of Red Bulls from the bar and gone for it.  That's very likely the same black dress she was wearing when we first saw each other when I partied with her.  Well worth taking the time if you have the chance.


I've seen her in a couple of black dresses (and out of them, too). I wouldn't be surprised if she has a closet-full of them. Ask her to wear the black/white striped dress. You won't be able to stand up (much). Yow!!!


I have to agree with johann. You should have gone for the gustow . Should have rode until your horsey pulled up Lam. Just don't shoot him!! Put him away & try again next time lol.