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Dec 5/6/8 Stormy, Alora, Holly, Swift &???

Started by SixT9er, Dec 09, 2024, 11:29 PM

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Great trip to Mustang with several presents to myself!

Started off Thursday the 5th with a Great party & nice dinner with Beautiful Lady who will remain nameless as she's a bit shy.
After bidding her good evening chatted with Stormy confirming our 10pm appt then headed to my room the Sweet Tara provided for me & rested up for Stormy.
Stormy once again confirmed why she's on my must see list. We chatted for 30 min then headed back for another incredible party. Such a Great party she had me reconsider my Sunday plans, I'll get into that later.
After Stormy wearing me out I still had one more party Sched for Friday morning @ 8 with the Beautiful Alora.
As with Stormy Alora reconfirmed why she is a must see Lady! Great visit catching up before our trip behind the green door followed by another amazing party with this stunner.
After the party drove to my destination with a huge smile & thoughts of 3 Great parties with 3 Amazing Ladies.

As I said above Stormy made me reconsider my original Sunday plans. Since I'd seen must see Ladies on my list that were in the house on Thursday/Friday I had planned to be a free agent Sunday & give some new Ladies a try but after my Thurs party with Stormy I decided to see if she was available?
We set up an extended/outdate party that started at 11am & ended at 8pm. Incredible intimate time followed by an outdate that included a tasty Lunch & Stormy's introduction to Blackjack then back to the house for a bubble bath & more intimate time. Stormy & I have got great social chemistry to go along with our private so we chatted on various subjects & there was never any conversation down time.
Special thanks to Donny for buying our Lunch! He & his Lovely wife came in to the restaurant while Stormy & I were there & picked up our tab which was very nice of him & extremely appreciated!! !
After my party with Stormy I hung out in the bar. Chatted with & hugged several Ladies I've come to know then chilled. A Sexy Brunette sat down at the Table next to me & we started chatting. Holly is her name & I had Im'd her a bit on IG so it was Great to meet her in person. After our chat she has been added to the want to play with In the future list.
After chatting with Holly the Sexy Swift who is another Lady I've Im'd with on IG came in so we then chatted for awhile & time flew by.
I could have visited all night but alas I had to get up early for the long drive home thinking of Great parties I had & future ones I will!

No individual reviews this time as this covers Great parties with Great Ladies

Thanks again to all the Ladies & staff for always making me welcome! Special Thanks to Tara for setting me up with a room the nights I'm there! an independent message board dedicated to LPIN where clients and Courtesans can interact