NEW FEATURE! Mel's Lady of the Month - Krickett

Started by Little_Mel, May 11, 2016, 06:28 AM

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Hello lovers!

I was feeling inspired by the lovely folks over at the SIN board and their "Featured Lady" section. The concept sounded like a lot of fun so each month I'll be sitting down with a Mustang lady and together we'll be getting to know her better.

This month we're getting lucky with the lovely Krickett

Do you currently have regularly scheduled visits to Mustang Ranch?
I'm working on getting one together, but for now I'm visiting when I can. I'm always open for appointments!

We'll start with some basics. What's your favorite snack?
I love mango. When you peel it back and get to the flesh it feels like a tender kiss.

Wow... I need to stock up on my fruit! And what are we washing everything down with?
I like a good mimosa. They're perfect for early mornings or late nights. Even better for late nights that turn into early mornings. Champagne definitely gets me feeling sensual and frisky.

So now that we're getting hot in here, which suite should I be whisking you away too?
I'm really into the Spanish Villa. It's adjacent to the outdoor hot tub so we have the corner all to ourselves.

Tell me what the Krickett experience is like.
I'm especially good at the girlfriend experience. My parties are intimate all around and I prefer to spend time together so you can feel comfortable and not rushed. I usually have some mood music going.

What's your go to "mood music?"
Mazzy Star! You have to listen them. If I could use two words to describe it: orgasmic and slow.

Would you use those same two words to describe your parties?
Haha yes, but it doesn't always have to be slow. I actually really enjoy the parties that start out with some good physical activiy to get us worked up and sweaty together before the main event.

By physical activity you mean?
I know you're thinking sex! What I mean is like a fun workout. Like I said, I enjoy doing the girlfriend experience so its more than just sex. One of my favorite experiences was a party where I learned how to box. It's not an intense as it sounds, but it was really unique and I'll never forget that.

You have a hot and steamy thing going on.
Oh it's the best. I'm not sure how to describe it really, but we get worked up and then just MELT.

You know, heat and passion and just being tangled up in each other.

Well I'm going to leave the next step to the imagination. What's your post "main event" ritual like?
A nice light massage.

And more melting?
Haha. Yes, that too.

Alright, lets bring it back to some lighter questions, but first I have to ask: Favorite position?
Hmm... A triple double cowgirl on the Conforte tantra chair. It'd have to be a two-girl party. You have to see it to know how it works.

What kind of out date do you like going on?
I'm still not too familiar with the area, but I like to go shopping and go out to eat like anyone else. I'm just going to put this out there, I love steak and lobster. But seriously, Its fun to cruise around to the sexy shops and pick out fun toys to bring back to our suite. I hear Reno has a lot of good ones to look through.

I've noticed you like to dress up. Whats your favorite thing to wear?
I like a lot of different things, but there is something about a good sexy high heel. I'll build my outfit around that. It usually ends up being a little black dress.

Favorite movie?
Pretty Woman of course! All courtesans want to be swept off their feet.

Well I won't steal you for too long so I have one last thing. What's your favorite thing about being a courtesan?
I get all these ideas for new fantasies. Every time I get introduced to a new fetish or way of doing things it opens up the possibilities.


There you have it. We got hot and sweaty and got a new appreciation for mango.
Currently you can catch your lucky Krickett from 12pm to 12am, but appointments can be made for your convenience.


Mustang Ranch Hostess


Well done Mel. I'll be looking forward to your future interviews.
ATF - "There can be only one"


I ain't askin no body for nothing if I can't get it on my own
So if you don't like the way I am livin then leave this long haired country boy alone !!


It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chewed your ass out all day long.

Prospector Bob

The trick is growing up without growing old. -- Casey Stengal


I love this!!! Really helpful for newbies Like me. Thanks for doing this.


Awesome job Mel.

I feel its an easier way to know a lady, and also a good conversation starter for those first timers, or people who haven't met her yet.


You're awesome, Mel!! That was so much fun!


Thanks Krickett for getting on board.

Your pictures are hot !!!
I ain't askin no body for nothing if I can't get it on my own
So if you don't like the way I am livin then leave this long haired country boy alone !!


It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chewed your ass out all day long.



Mel,  Great idea on interviews - it's good to know something about the girls. It may lead
to more interest to the girls willing to be interviewed  -  likes/dislikes. Thanks goes to Krickett
for the interview!! :)


Thank you all for the great feedback!

I'm also taking suggestions for new questions to ask and/or which ladies you would like to see featured.
Mustang Ranch Hostess


Quote from: Little_Mel on May 14, 2016, 02:42 PM
I'm also taking suggestions for new questions to ask and/or which ladies you would like to see featured.

Is it true, that Lolita is back?
Could we hear from her?


How about   starting  with the  new   ladies   so we can learn  more  about   them 


Nice new feature and a good interview of a lovely Lady.  Well done Mel.


Any lady is fine, more-so the ones who are at the house often since people probably want the ladies who are around more.